Communication/Marketing, Art Direction, Motion Design


The AI creation assistance tools (created in June 2022)

The story behind this project

In my second year of Master’s at LISAA Toulouse, following the completion of my thesis on standardized animation films, we were tasked with creating a project to present to a panel of five people in order to validate the Digital Art Director title.

Given my deep interest in the thesis topic (which is quite logical when one has the opportunity to choose it), I wanted to intimately link my question of standardization to AI.

One might think they are opposites (AI and de-standardization), but in June 2022, when AI was not yet at the center of all conversations and research, this topic was quite innovative and ambitious.

The project

Initially, when brainstorming about the project, I had several ideas:

  • Linking animation and its history in a video game
  • Creating an animated film to address standardization

However, at the heart of all creation lies humanity. That’s when my project took shape: creating experimentation tools based on generative art AI.

These generative art tools would be implemented at a specific stage of the production pipeline: pre-production, even before the design phase begins. These devices assist and allow creators to experiment but do not replace them.

Nom du projet

Mes mots clés :


Les outils

Avant même de penser au logo de GENERATION, ma réflexion s’est posée sur les applications que j’allais proposer. Elle sont venues très rapidement :

The first two above are applications for generating elements from flat colors (leveraging Nvidia CANVAS technology).

  • Decoration: to generate backgrounds in different styles
  • Characterization: to generate characters in different styles

The next two above are more advanced and complex analysis and generation applications.

  • Lightation: analyzes light and the camera from a photo to recreate the scene in 3D
  • Coloration: analyzes colors and color choices to be able to modify them as desired by the artist.

Les outils sont les atomes du projet

Ensemble ils forment une molécule

Cette molécule est GENERATION, le projet.


GENERATION consists of a set of applications, graphic experimentation tools for animation, and other media.

These tools are designed for professionals, self-taught individuals, and students alike.

They enable the creation of experimental drawings, graphic research, and take place well before any actual creation.

The goal is not to replace creators but to bring the unexpected, to aid in creation, and ideally, to use them as a working method before a project.

They serve as a commercial strength because they allow for quick and easy creation and nurturing of imagination. They will work on any type of platform, including PC, Linux, Mac, Android, etc.

Besoins des utilisateurs / commanditaires

Simplicité, Facilité, Rapidité, Adaptabilité,Utile

Une vidéo rapide de présentation

Deux zoning et maquettes de site web possible